As I sit here writing in the shade next to the wellness centre at our lovely hotel in Gran Canaria I’m finding time to gather my thoughts without the distractions of boat life. I would normally be out walking Dexter, cleaning, editing videos for our YouTube channel and the many distractions that come from working from home.
Don’t get me wrong I love working from the boat, but there’s something about coming away in January that makes me reflect on the past year and plan for the rest of this year.
Set goals and dream big. Every January I convince myself that I need to give up magic shows to concentrate on my art, but then the magic shows bring in a guaranteed income. What goals have you set for this year?
I aim to get back on track with my health and fitness, drink less, exercise more and eat food that’s good for me.
I’m also setting myself the task of being more organised and to plan better, including big plans for future trips, our bucket list includes a trip to Paris, I would love to visit the art galleries, take in some culture and even visit the Monet Gardens. We have always wanted to go to New Zealand and India and I think we need to start planning and saving now if we can.
While we have been away on holiday our boat has been out of the water, having a new larger propellor installed, a bigger inverter, new diesel generator and new motor and we are praying the new system cut’s down our fuel consumption and operates better.
As well as creating my own art and working on commissions I want to perfect my watercolour painting and try other media such as digital painting and pen and ink techniques.
Something I didn’t do a lot of last year was trade from the boat and I hope can have more days setting up and meeting customers along the canal.
Well I’m off to relax in the sun. Enjoy your day.
You have some beautiful artwork! You are very talented!
I have a question. Do you offer other prints in postcard size or just the 3 that I saw listed?
Keep up the good work and experiencing other methods of creativity is always exciting! I used to go out with my camera as often as possible but an unable to enjoy my “photo days” but have learned to adapt my creativity to different methods and am enjoying the different paths I have taken. So….enjoy the journey that learning brings and keep on enjoying nature!